Thursday, June 2, 2011


Here's a post, I guess.

It's odd, I know, whatever.

By the way...
Here's to my dears (oh, this'll be awkward ^_^")

Brea: Much love, of course, for the amazing sophomore I met in drama<3 You're funny, spectacular, and I have no clue what I'd do without you livening up the school ^o^ Cheers to the two years ahead of us~
Markeeta: Eek! I'm sorry if I spelled your name wrong! D: Anyhoo, I love how you're so opinionated~ Always speak your mind, hon, and remain true to yourself ^_^ Much love<3
Kelsey: Ehee~ Well, you're very intelligent, of course, and I'm sure you hear that a lot. ^o^ Much love for your smartyness<3 You're also funny, nice, and altogether wonderful, dahhhling~
Cortney: Well, aren't you a sweetie? ^_^ Hehe I know that sounds creepy, but I've never heard you say a negative thing about anything or anyone~ You seem like you'd make a good friend, so much love<3
Brandon: Your swooshy hair is fantastic ^o^ Felt like I should add that, heheh. Plus, you quote Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, also, so that's a definite virtue right there~ Much love<3
Holly: You have an amazing two cents for everything and make Geometry that much more exciting~ Much love for the German and random bouts of dancing<3 I miss you at lunch Q_Q
JP: In another attempt to say somethiing in a non-creepy way, you just have that air of 'cool' if that makes sense? You're level-headed (and we need that) but you still know how to have fun ^_^ Much love<3
Liz: You're so flipping fantastic, and much love for that<3 Your taste in music is lovely and you make morning car rides a whole lotta less lonely~ You're gonna go somewhere, and words will be your road ^o^
Sara: Well, I've never really talked to you, but as far as I can tell, you are a fabulous person all around ^_^ Ahh, you deserve much love for not having a single negative aspect<3
Erica: I know you probably won't read this, but you're part of Lit, too. ^_^ I miss you lots, and I wish I could have known you for longer before you left. Much love for one of my favorite seniors<3
Melissa: Pssh. You prolly won't read this either, but you already know that you get much amour from me<3 You're one of my best friends and we never have a single dull moment~ Yay for insanity~ ^o^
Mrs. Barcyzk: I hope I get you for an English teacher next year because you're so charmingly kind~ Much love for being among the best teachers at RCHS and for caring about every single person ^_^

On a last note:
You are all flipping gorgeous, each and every one of you, and I mean that ^o^
You are all indie souls, and don't let anyone try to make you be anything but yourself~
You are all phantasmic writers, and it'd be a day worth crying for if any one of you stifled your lovely flow of words D:
I apologize if I forgot anyone, offended anyone, or was too geeky and awkward ^_^" Ehee~
Much love to you all for being such a stellar group of artists<3
Every day is a blank canvas~ Make each paint splatter count, because  each small splash can add up to a masterpiece~

Goodbye, in case I don't see any of you until next autumn,
Alayna Brooke ^_^

1 comment:

  1. That was really sweet, Alayna! Thanks for all the kind words! You're swell!


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